Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas in January

Colton had his Christmas program on January 14th. Yes, Christmas in January. The program was scheduled before school let out in December, but got cancelled due to weather. Colton is our only nephew, so we try really hard to attend most of his school and extracurricular events. Valerie had told us about it, and we never really responded back about it, but had planned on going. A few days before, Colton had asked Valerie to find out if "anyone" was coming to his program. I thought that was really cute.
It was a really neat program of the Nutcracker. Nick sat on Gpa Clipper's lap and was enthralled with the whole thing. He never made a sound or hardly moved. The program started at 7:30 p.m. so it was getting close to bedtime for Nick (I think that helped subdue him some).
Colton was a baker. Of course he isn't the tallest kid in the class, and shortly after he got on stage, his group was in back, so I got one picture of him in action! (he is the 3rd kid from the left in my ACTION photo :)
After it was all over, Colton came up in his costume. Nick didn't quite know what to think of Colton! We had a nice time, and are glad we got to go see the "baker" in action.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Those costumes are darling!